People who don't have any knowledge what trauma can do to our fragile self esteem or our brain, nor do they seem to even care to learn about it, can pull us down in a moments notice by their indifference.
Trauma can happen so quickly from natural disasters, from a car accident where we lose members of our family or we become severely harmed. There is the tragedy of war, kidnappings, killings, sexual and physical abuse, to children, women, the elderly... and to men. There is trauma from neglect and trauma through medical abuses.
Some people only experiences a one time trauma while others experience on going trauma since they were children. They had no out for their situation.. no one they could go to for help.
How does someone recover from trauma?
To find someone you can talk to and who gives you encouragement is very helpful.. but often times there is no one you could really go to. Over 200,000 women were used by the Japanese army as comfort women for the soldiers. They were held against their will and used by the army soldiers, sometimes 50 times a day. What these women experienced was kept hidden inside because they were deeply ashamed and could not talk about it.
Many, many women died and if they lived, their spirits would have been dead through the pain and suffering they had to quietly live.
What ever happens in people lives that traumatizes them, especially by the brutal rapes and dehumanizing experiences, no one deserves to be harmed. No one should ever been made to feel shame for something that other people did to them.
Even if we feel our lives are fragile because of these experiences, don't allow the evil deeds of others to pull you down into the ground for something that doesn't belong to you. Be strong. Take back your life and go out and do things to help others.
It is when we can do things for others, that we will find meaning to our own pain. So many others who have never experienced trauma as some people have, can rewound them by the way that they respond, or don't respond.
People can be cruel to those who have been traumatized through their indifference.
Have courage. God Be With You.
Trauma can happen so quickly from natural disasters, from a car accident where we lose members of our family or we become severely harmed. There is the tragedy of war, kidnappings, killings, sexual and physical abuse, to children, women, the elderly... and to men. There is trauma from neglect and trauma through medical abuses.
Some people only experiences a one time trauma while others experience on going trauma since they were children. They had no out for their situation.. no one they could go to for help.
How does someone recover from trauma?
To find someone you can talk to and who gives you encouragement is very helpful.. but often times there is no one you could really go to. Over 200,000 women were used by the Japanese army as comfort women for the soldiers. They were held against their will and used by the army soldiers, sometimes 50 times a day. What these women experienced was kept hidden inside because they were deeply ashamed and could not talk about it.
Many, many women died and if they lived, their spirits would have been dead through the pain and suffering they had to quietly live.
What ever happens in people lives that traumatizes them, especially by the brutal rapes and dehumanizing experiences, no one deserves to be harmed. No one should ever been made to feel shame for something that other people did to them.
Even if we feel our lives are fragile because of these experiences, don't allow the evil deeds of others to pull you down into the ground for something that doesn't belong to you. Be strong. Take back your life and go out and do things to help others.
It is when we can do things for others, that we will find meaning to our own pain. So many others who have never experienced trauma as some people have, can rewound them by the way that they respond, or don't respond.
People can be cruel to those who have been traumatized through their indifference.
Have courage. God Be With You.